The Megahook offers maximum leverage at 78" long. It also features a larger hook with a grip range of 15" - 45" diameter log.
It is only available as a cant hook.
All the Xtreme Duty tools, including the Megahook are powder coated yellow to distinguish them from our Standard Duty tools.
78" Megahook
Pros: USA made by AMERICANS!
I purchased my 78" Megahook to use on large Red Oak trees. you have no idea how pleased I am with this must have tool in the woods! I can move trees with this Cant Hook that used to take a tractor and chain. if you cut large trees of any size....I highly recommend the 78" Megahook.You will forget the price after the first use!
Submitted by Manofstihl#1 on 04/11/2015 11:05:11 PM.